Tuesday, August 18, 2009

kambing jantanblogspot.com

BAb pasal kambing jantan ni pulak aku nak share kat semua orang yang rasa diri nya sentTIasA rasa di bodoh kan oleh setiap orang yang ada dikeliling
satu lagi pasal kenape kita kene buat keputusan yang bukan milik kita ... atau diri kita sendiri...
???Hi5 Emoticon

the story about
This movie is about everyday life of Raditya dika. = He's an everyday Indonesian student, stuying in adelaide, Australia. Mostly the movie is focusing on his long distance relationship with his girlfriend (he called her kebo ~ meaning while he's called kambing ~ meaning goat) and how he's failed to cope with his parent's expectation on his study. Played by Raditya Dika himself, I think it's a bold move but who can portray him better than himself? I never read his blog or his book, yet, therefore I could not review how is it compared to the book or the blog. however I think some scene is quite hilarious, touching and as he said 'quotable'. The main weakness of this kind of storytelling is sometimes it's difficult to follow the 'flow' of this movie, because it's obviously taken from a blog, so it's like a sets of short stories woven together.

so better semua yang rasa kurang keyakinan diri better tenguk cerita ni cause is a about life...

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